Mastering Studio Gear

Mastering diffusorer wall

One of the most important gear in a mastering studio, but often overlooked, is the studio itself. Our studio is constructed to not color any frequences and to give the most balanced sound possible.


We have a great set of professional gears avaliabe.

Mastering EQ

  1. Calrec Stereo EQ UA-8000 Polar board style
  2. TL Audio Classic valve EQ-1
  3. Neve 8816 analogue mixer
  4. TC electronic M-6000 MD3 Stereo mastering pack

Mastering dynamic processors

  1. Manley Vari Mu Stereo tube compressor
  2. TC electronic M-6000 MD3 Multiband Compressor
  3. Waves LTD plug-ins
  4. Sonnox Oxford Plug-in

Digital to Analog to Digital conterters AD/DA

  1. Apogee DA 16x 24bit/192 kHz
  2. Mytek AD 24 bit/192 kHz


  1. Dynaudio 12″ main speakers
  2. Adam nearfield studio speakers
  3. Alesis monitor one
  4. Genelec active Sub
  5. Van Den Hul MAGNUM HYBRID speaker cables
  6. Bryston 4B Stereo power amplifier